Rebilling a PrescribeIT® Prescription
When rebilling a PrescribeIT® prescription, a Cancel Notification Reason must be sent to the prescriber.
To rebill a PrescribeIT® prescription:
Search for and select the patient.
Select the Profile tab.
Highlight the prescription you want to rebill.
Select Rx > Correct > Rebill. A prompt appears to confirm that you want to rebill the prescription.
Select Yes. A PrescribeIT® Cancel Notification Reason window appears.
Select the reason the prescription is being cancelled.
Note: If Other is selected, a freeform textbox appears to enter in a reason.
Select OK. The PrescribeIT® prescription is refused from the third party, if applicable, and opens in Rx Detail to be reprocessed.
If the prescription was part of a split, a notification bubble appears at the bottom of Rx Detail to inform you that there are other prescriptions part of the split. This serves as a reminder to correct the related prescriptions as well.
A Cancel Dispense Nofication and a Dispense Notification are sent to the prescriber. These display in the PrescribeIT® > Sent tab.